The Right to Complain
“Don’t complain!
Only so much happened.
There are people who have it worse.”
The futile, but incessant advice
When all you are looking for is an outlet.
For the cut is so deep
That the brave face fails to conceal
And the vulnerability bleeds.
As with all rights,
The right to complain is a relief for those who invoke
And an inconvenient pain for the rest.
Not the daft kind due to faulty water and naughty brutes
But the kind that exposes a hidden, but purulent damage
The kind that demands trust.
For there might be a secret,
An incident…people involved.
It requires courage to address the moment,
Irrespective of how others function.
It requires not being apologetic
For feeling the unfair life and its imperfection.
To our ears, it might feel like a complaint
But to them, it would be letting go of restraint.
When expectation does not meet reality in this case,
Complaining should no more have a negative undertone
It is, in fact, a very positive and intimate affair.