Anywhere but Here

Anywhere but here - Qualiaura

Why think about something else,
Just when focus is due?
Endless things to do,
Even as I finish one.
The mind leaps. And it soars.
Nowhere near. Anywhere but here.

Why seek other temptations,
Just when savoring this taste?
Endless sensations to thrill,
Even as I enjoy one.
The mind leaps. And it soars.
Nowhere near. Anywhere but here.

Why speed towards urgencies,
Just when steadiness is the need?
Endless race to a different place,
Even as I near one finish line.
The mind leaps. And it soars.
Nowhere near. Anywhere but here.

Why mess with another device,
Just when one has me hooked?
Endless beeps and pings,
Even as I mute a few.
The mind leaps. And it soars.
Nowhere near. Anywhere but here.

Why mitigate imaginary pains,
Just when conquering the real one?
Endless twisting and turning,
Even as I sit still.
The mind leaps. And it soars.
Nowhere near. Anywhere but here.

Why crave infinite pleasures,
Just when the current one would do?
Endless boats of hedonism to jump to,
Even as I float on one.
The mind leaps. And it soars.
Nowhere near. Anywhere but here.

Why peek at the buffet spread,
Just when my plate is full?
Endless dishes and desserts,
Even as the stomach cries full.
The mind leaps. And it soars.
Nowhere near. Anywhere but here.

Why seek another's,
Just when our own will do?
Endless Fear Of Missing Out
Even as I have enough to call my own.
The mind leaps. And it soars.
Nowhere near. Anywhere but here.

Why worry about the past,
Just when it cannot be changed.
Endless wish for how it should have been,
Even as it is a done deal.
The mind leaps. And it soars.
Nowhere near. Anywhere but here.

Why build future plans,
Just when the moment is fleeting.
Endless castles in the air,
Even when the foundation is crumbling.
The mind leaps. And it soars.
Nowhere near. Anywhere but here.

Being present will do.
Just being in the present will do.
Endless things the present offers,
Endless presents it offers.
The mind calms. Finds its peace.
Dear and near. Nowhere but here.

Fleeting Ether

Realizing the ephemeral, impermanent nature of life via scientific, philosophical and spiritual awakening


The Forced Hierarchy


The Antibigotry Radar